Daily Archives: March 13, 2009

Choices and My Future

I like days like Friday the 13th or Groundhog’s Day. Wednesday the 11th came and went and I know many people, including myself, who could easily let that day of the week or that time of the month slip by without notice. But on a day such as this, I can feel others across the landscape taking note.

We share an awareness and I like the feeling of connection. I also enjoy the way it means something different to each of us and… our personal truth about the meaning of the day brings us the day we expect. I know those who consider it their lucky day. Others are amused and watch to see what happens. Many are indifferent. Some feel cautious while others are more careful.

For me, this day is a reminder of the power of my thoughts. What I believe about this particular day will shape my experience. And what I believe about next week, next month, next year, and my future in general will also shape what comes my way.

And, if personal experience isn’t enough to get my attention, quantum physics has recently confirmed this concept in its study of energy. When I ‘see’ something happening ‘on this day’ or ‘out there’, I immediately send energy forward and it creates what I saw even before I arrive. This isn’t, of course, every fleeting thought that passes by. It’s those reflections I see clearly, feel deeply, and attach to without reservation.

Friday the 13th is my gentle nudge to be aware of what I am sending forward to create my future. That is one of my empowering choices.

Notes along the way… Jeanne