Giving Energy to my Potential

In the pink light of this day dawning, I am experiencing clarity. Some events, circumstances, activities, and people are distractions while others are there to help me move toward my destination.


My journey to know, embrace, and share my potential isn’t better for cutting a wide swath and isolating myself from life around me. It is in trusting my feelings to know when I’m giving away pieces of my Self so I’m reassured I matter or… spending time and giving energy to a moment that feeds my spirit.


Yesterday, I stood at the edge of the lake talking about choices as one of my Café Sisters looked into her own future and potential. Today, I come to thank her for sharing. She moved me deeply with her capacity to challenge her own deep fears. She touched me with her courage to even imagine. In being witness to such power and beauty, I woke up with a dream that led me back to my Self.

I’m glad we spent time at Café Spirit. She inspired. And my own journey feels empowered.

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