Monthly Archives: August 2009

Opening Up

I think the ultimate difference in living my life energy-aware is the way it shifts my perspective from things happening to me to my making things happen. Coming to Café Spirit today, this awareness is associated with love.

I’ve had so many beautiful opportunities to experience love. Hearing my friend’s voice when I pick up the phone, sitting across the table sharing French fries with my husband, or rubbing my dog’s ears, I can feel my energy opening up. From my heart, a warm glow vibrates outward, filling my body and then moving beyond. And, as my experience moves beyond my usual sense of body, the beauty of the world around me comes into focus. The song in the background touches deep sweetness. Colors are brighter.

In that moment, I am experiencing my utter connection with the energy around me. I am full and complete.

My old perspective would have me thinking these moments were rare nuggets coming willy-nilly into my days and all I could do was wish for more. With energy insights, I now know these moments can be engaged in reverse order. I can consciously create them. I can choose to recall the sensations of feeling love and call love to me. I get to stand in any moment and open my heart… open it with intention… letting the warm vibrations flow through my body and beyond. In that, I am sending a vibration out into the ocean of energy inviting love and more loving moments.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

And so my mantra for today: Open my heart and let the warm glow flow outward.

The Observer

In rushing days and relationship building, it’s so very easy to believe we are responding to what is happening around us rather than participating in an astounding dance of energy. But, we can tap into the power of shaping our lives when we recognize how we affect our circumstance by recognizing we are observers as well as participants.

Quantum physics is showing us that the observer affects the outcome of an experience. In the realm beyond our every day vision, the particles that are the foundation for the world we experience are only waves until they are observed. Only in being observed, do they create the physical aspect of what we have around us.

And then we each place our meaning on what we see, feel, and experience.

In my every day routines, I’m not aware of this as often as I would like to be, but I do enjoy those insightful times when I recognize I’m creating the essence of my experience.

It happened yesterday when I waited at a cross walk and watched a man walk his dog across the street. I was immediately bothered by the poor dog’s experience and uncomfortable with the strident man who was training it while the dog wanted to sniff and enjoy the day. Then I caught myself, realizing I was creating a scene of my making. Another person sitting beside me might have viewed the circumstance with great satisfaction, feeling the man was certainly dedicated to taking care of his dog. A third passenger in the car could have totally missed the whole event, their attention turned to the garbage truck passing by.

And beyond remembering that I was interpreting the event in front of me, I drove on realizing that I also participated in being there at that moment. I walked into the grocery store wondering why I had chosen that experience of empowerment and disempowerment, of dogs and owners, of a pause in the middle of my errands.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

And so my mantra for today: Remember I am an observer creating my reality.

Releasing Stagnant Energy

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t find them selves revisiting stagnant energy. They, like me, bump into it with a thud when they are pushing against the familiar to grow their lives. It happened to me last night. I went to bed tired and woke up at midnight with my heart pounding. Money fears had crept into my dreams.

At Café Spirit, I can report that it took only three night-time hours to let money energy flow again. And we all know that each night-time hour is equal to 30 tosses and turns, 3 thoughts of chocolate, and 7 glances a the clock. But somewhere in there, I remembered to look at my circumstance through the insights to be found in energy.

I saw myself in the ‘money house’ I had built with all the energy I have around money and I knew that recent efforts to remodel it had brought out old fears. These guys are relentless and, in trying to keep me where I’ve always been, they shuttered the windows, locked the doors, and made my money house safe once again… with my usual thought around money.

But this time it didn’t make me feel safe to go back to my usual thinking. I didn’t feel comforted by putting my money energy into a holding pattern. For several tosses and turns and one thought of escaping to chocolate, I didn’t know what to do. Then I ‘saw’ myself opening up the windows.  I threw open all the doors. And, still, that wasn’t enough. So I dared to walk out the door and away from the money house I’ve built with particular energy vibrations over the years.

I walked into free-flowing money energy. I let it rush around me and noticed I didn’t fall apart. I walked to the gate and opened it, letting money swirl past me. I braved the on-coming stampede and laughed when it tickled. And then I looked back at my money house because I was determined to never return to the home of old energy connections.

It stood stark against the rising sun and I said goodbye because I was ready to explore the infinite possibilities beyond the walls I had built, out there where money feels like music and I’m a stranger to its beauty and power.

I went back to sleep in the early morning hours, knowing I would find my way if I remembered money is only energy.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

And so my mantra for today: Believe in my money possibilities.

Looking Past the Obvious

We can sit down to eat a slice of cake and look at it from two perspectives.

The first view would say, “Here’s a cake. Let’s eat it.” The cake is all I would see. My response would only take in what could be done with the object before me.

The second view would say, “I see the cake, but I am aware it’s made of ingredients. What I see before me is also a mixture of items I can’t see, but I know they are there and this cake would not exist without them.

In the second view, I am looking past the obvious.

We live in a world much like this experience. We see objects, experience time, have thoughts and feelings. Hold beliefs. Share relationships. All of these are like the cake. They exist and there is more beyond the obvious.

Quantum physics is the study of how the universe and world interacts at the level we can’t see. It goes even deeper than the ingredients of the cake to show us what is happening where everything becomes vibrating energy.

While our world can be considered physical objects, beliefs, emotions, and thoughts it can also be understood when all of these are nothing but energy and part of an ocean of energy that is interacting, reacting, and communicating. This is where the wonder of healing, manifesting, choices, and change take on new meaning.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

And so my mantra for today: Look past the obvious.

Energy Tangles


Yesterday, I was reminded how I can take soaring, activating energy and start tangling it up in spite of my good intentions. It happened when I was manifesting.

Sitting across a hotel bed late into the night with my inspired, dynamic, and determined friend, we realized the next for my Energy Insights retreats was to take photos of the magic that happens when participants come together to share an adventure that takes each person to their own destination. Remembering past retreats, we knew the stunning, startling, focused, and sometimes just plain silly images that always come up. They would tell the story for those who might wonder about attending, but want to know more. And, in that moment, I knew the perfect people to invite to this event that would be a spirit retreat, but one that asked the participants to be photographed in their very private journey.

The energy soared around my endeavor. The first thing the following morning, I spoke to the woman who might host such an event and she not only had a clear calendar, she was enthusiastic for herself as well as generous in supporting me. I hung up the phone and a second call came in. It was a rare contact in our sweet relationship, but there she was, when the night before I had thought she would be one of the perfect participants.

And then the day proceeded and I started going to my head and heart. It was all good logic and full of caring, but the energy started getting entangled. It was heading for a block. I could feel it like a weight on my shoulders as the clarity began fading.

Lucky me to have my husband at hand. He felt the change, heard me starting to back peddle and consider detours. He urged me to go back to my intuition, to honor the insightful flow of energy that began with the birth of the idea. And the energy started soaring again.

A lesson learned.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

And so my mantra for today: Honor my energy flow when I’m manifesting.


The thing is, I am sometimes around others who forget their impressions of the world and people around them is not mine. It’s not important that they ‘see’ the world as I do. It’s not even possible. We are, after all, so beautifully unique. But, it’s very important for me to make choices about the truths I embrace when I listen to others.

If they warn me about the hectic, awkward parking lot down the street, pointing out the dangers of distracted drivers going too fast I want to listen, but not necessarily embrace their reality. This was recently pointed out tome because, before they took care to make me safe, I had been in the parking lots several times. My experience was driver’s being exceptionally patient, conscientious, and friendly in a very crowded, busy parking space. I felt connected and pleased, rather than concerned and guarded. My friend’s experience was not mine.

Each expectation sends out a particular vibration that is sure to attach to similar patterns and bring more of what we expect. There’s no judgment, right or wrong, held in this understanding of how energy works. But there is opportunity.

That opportunity lies in my remembering to honor my own truth even as I listen to others share theirs. All around me intelligent, experienced, intuitive, delightful, caring people are going to share their view of life and its nuances. And rather than feeling I must accept their perspective or change their mind, I have the chance to know them better and over time… celebrating the wonder of each person carrying their personal truth to guide their choices.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

And so my mantra for today: Honor my truth. Appreciate others sharing theirs.

Energy Shapes

In realizing the world is much more than I grew up thinking, much more beyond my old perceptions, I had to step into it one reality shift at a time. The first thing I learned, a hundred years ago, was pointed out to me when I was walking through the park with my boyfriend. He told me the tree we were looking at weren’t actually solid… that quantum science had clearly shown the tree was a pattern of vibrating molecules.

I walked through the rest of the park thinking about that… looking at my world with a new eye… looking past the leaves, trunks, bark, and limbs and imagining I could see dancing, microscopic orbs. One by one, I saw the shapes of the trees, but they were no longer solid. And, as quickly as I could release my old view, I understood, I was walking through something that was much more alive, flexible, loose and beautiful than I’d ever imagined.

I recognized it wasn’t just the trees. It was everything. It was the dogs running around me, the grass, and the dirt path. It was the clouds… and me! And that changed everything.

In this moment, when I look at my computer, I don’t see an immovable, impersonal, solid object. I see the shape, colors, and vibrations of a pattern of energy. And, within this energy form, there is information being exchanged. If I’m pleased with its performance and appreciating how it has shared so many writing adventures with me, I’m affecting what happens between us. If I’m irritated with the touch pad or worried about the battery running low, I create a very different experience.

My computer and I are in this together. We are both energy, with our unique pattern of vibration. We are communicating and creating a shared moment. This is what happens in the ocean of energy that translates into my ‘real world’. It’s an amazing, beautiful, stunning wonder for me.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

And so my mantra for today: In choosing how I feel in any interaction with anything, I am shaping my experience.

I’m Back!

There are many old beliefs I hold onto. Some make me feel safe. Others are there like the mole on my arm, sitting there because I’ve gotten so accustomed to them. Many old beliefs are held by so many people around me, I haven’t realized I could take them out of context and review what I believe at this time in my life journey. And lots of beliefs feel rock solid because I was taught them in school or scientists established their truth through their research.

It’s this last category of beliefs I have been dancing with for many years and now, more than ever, recognizing I have shifted into a world quite different than the one I used to inhabit. That physical world was defined by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century… and his research has been the backbone of how we describe ‘reality’ since then. He showed us a world uninfluenced by mind or emotion. One that was purely physical in cause and effect.

While this surely moved cultures into great discoveries, it can no longer be considered the foundation of how the world works. Not since quantum physics began showing us how our world looks at the atomic and subatomic levels. What Faraday started in the 1830’s and Max Planck expanded on in the early 1900’s, Albert Einstein carried forth with discoveries that told us the world works in a much more astounding manner than what the eyes can see.

And this is the world I want to explore here at Café Spirit. It is in shedding childhood beliefs about how my world works, that I am able to grow my relationship with my spirit. With these newer scientific observations, I get to understand how I am literally creating my reality. I may not love every aspect of what I’ve brought to my life so far, but there is much to celebrate. And, as for the rest, I am bonkers excited about my capacity to make a difference in where I steer my future days.

I’ve been working with this energy for over 30 years and I still feel its glorious beauty to honor my spirit even while I dig deeper into my possibilities. In the months to come, I’m going to share my adventure with those of you who come to spend time at Café Spirit with me. I can’t wait! So if you know anyone who might like to share this adventure, please let them know what’s happening at our online cafe.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

And so my mantra for today: Look past the obvious.

Energy Insights

Oh my, I anticipated visiting Café Spirit after two weeks in a Place Of No Time where play was the guiding force. My spirit filled, I imagined quiet time would be the perfect completion to my summer vacation.

But in that way the Universe’s intelligence and forces are strengthened by any strong feelings of joy, the desire I sent out in April and through May has been fed by serendipity and circumstance and, instead of settling into a conversation about the empowering insights found in the ocean of energy around us, I am moving.

In the few short days since I said goodbye at the airport, I have been packing, taking care of loose ends, and cleaning. Tomorrow morning we leave at dawn to drive 2000 miles to our new home. And so I will have to postpone the adventure I’ve been anticipating at Café Spirit until the 20th of August.

And I leave with an itch. I’m thinking about the way we have grown up thinking will-power, logic, determination, perseverance, getting it right, doing more of what we know, and reacting to what we don’t want will take us into the future we want. I know all of these are sometimes useful tools, but my current adventure is showing me, once again, that my future is shaped by the wisdom found in quantum physics, beyond the obvious, in the soup of energy around me.

This is what I anticipate exploring when I come back to Café Spirit.

And so my mantra for today: When facing the uncertainty, I am empowered by remembering, remembering, remembering what I want.

Notes along the way… Jeanne