Monthly Archives: May 2009

Intuition Guides

It all started when we decided to enjoy a perfect spring day with a walk along the river. It was a path we’d seen from the cliff above and we’d found a lane that would get us there, but we didn’t know where we would come out. And we were game.

Or really, to be totally honest, my husband felt enthusiastic and I felt daring. Experiences from my childhood have left their mark and any nature walk, even on a maintained path along the edge of a city neighborhood, holds its fears for me.

And I did have my moments. While my husband was staring up into the grove of 100 foot trees, watching the water, and listening to the birds, I was monitoring the man who walked behind us. But it took no more than several hellos, smiles, and contented passersby to soothe my old wounds and two hours later we found ourselves on the outskirts of our community.

We walked toward the stores thinking a soda and cup of coffee sounded great, but both of us had to admit it was probably going to be challenging to get back on our feet and retrace our steps. That is when my husband suggested we catch a bus. And that is when our spirit adventure began.

We had no idea what we were about as we stood on the corner and looked around. Intuitively, we chose a bus stop where three people waited on a bench and we asked for help.

The talkative, smiling couple didn’t really know the routes but the other man did. Bus 84 was the one we wanted and it was due to arrive any moment… and we needed to have the exact change. As we discussed a dash into the nearby Starbucks, he looked through his pockets and our $5 bill was quickly broken into quarters and ones. Everyone was delighted and conversation burst open as neighbors discovered common interests and experiences before we boarded the bus that was empty except for the merry band from the Cleveland street stop.

I rode through the neighborhood deeply touched by the couple who shared a limp, a lisp, and obvious love and the rather shy older man who leaned across the aisle and quietly told us which stop we should use some blocks after he would get off. Very quickly, we each stepped off the bus and into our private lives, but I felt the warmth of that time for the rest of the day.

It reminded me how beautifully and easily destinations can be reached if I take the first step assuming the best and then let my intuition guide me.

And so my mantra for today: “Assume the best… and step forward.”

Notes along the way… Jeanne

Dream Manifesting

Perhaps staying true to my dream is like playing the game that delighted me as a child. With an object hidden, we would direct the person seeking its location by announcing they were getting “warmer” or “colder”. Then the object was a piece of candy, a shiny rock, or a scribbled message. Now the object is my desire to be the Nora Roberts of “spirit fiction”.

“Warmer” is every choice I make to take me in that direction. If I say my desire out loud – like I just dared to do – I am getting “warmer”. Feeling myself that reality with all my senses, continuing to write, believing in the possibility, and giving time and energy to make this my reality is getting “warmer”. Every single thing I do that acts-as-if I am already a well-read author is “warmer”. Saying no to things that decrease my writing time, deplete my energy, create drama, or fill my days with old habits is getting “warmer”.

And by the same token, I am getting “colder” if I keep accepting the responsibilities I’ve accepted in the past or assume I’m essential in building other people’s dreams. I’m getting “colder” if my tomorrows look the same as my yesterdays. When I accept old limitations or assume I have to walk this path alone, I’m am getting “colder”. “Colder is being uncertain, trying harder in the same way, and listening to anything, anything at all, that tells me it is better or safer or more reasonable to stay steady than to explore my possibilities with every choice, action, and hour of my day.

In this game, the treasure is found by continuing to respond to the direction that takes me ever closer. At Café Spirit, I see the same if true for the treasure of my desire.

And so my mantra for today:  “Make every choice feel “warmer”.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

Relaxing Into Intuition

Some days are just not meant for dynamic, clear action. This is one of those. It’s the kind of time I look for when I’m busy because there is nothing that needs to get done even though there is plenty to do.

But the feeling of this day has a different flavor. Isn’t about doing or being. It’s something bigger than that. In fact, it came sometime in the middle of the night. I woke up a thousand times. Simply woke up. And then I woke up once again and absolutely knew something was afoot. Swirling energy from a current manifestation had arrived. I didn’t know what it was, but I could definitely feel its presence.

And that energy is still swirling today. It’s distracting, but in no way heavy or particularly light. It feels like the past nights… as though the elves of my manifestation are busy building and my job is to allow. I might not know what it all means. In fact I don’t. So I also get to trust the process and believe what is evolving is for me.

This is the kind of day to do something routine and relaxing so intuitive hits will not go unnoticed. It’s a great moment for consciously feeding my intentions with all my five of my senses. It’s certainly a good day to come to Café Spirit where my inner world is celebrated and every day tasks are set aside.

It’s also an excellent time to smile and float in the current rather than try to get something done. Something I’ve been manifesting is shifting the energy around me. This is the moment to lean into the mystery and anticipate what is coming.

And so my mantra for today: “Thank you, thank you, thank you… I feel the change coming.”

Notes along the way… Jeanne

Potential of Play

I have recognized there is a difference between doing what I love… what pulls me without reason or destination… and what seems to be my magic.

Only at Café Spirit can I boldly use that word, but I deeply believe each of us carries a nugget of personal magic to share with others. It is the way we get to leave the world a little better than when we arrived. And if I’ve confused what I like to do and want to do with what I’m here to do, then no wonder it has been such a confusing journey.

But now, by witnessing others in their expression of self, I can see that the two are not necessarily the same. My awesome, inventive, inspired optometrist is changing my world with his magic, but his passion is flying. And here lies the beauty of the two threads in his life. I know the lessons learned and insights found in his fervor for flying are part of the way he explores the possibilities for my vision.

In the same way, my meandering, sweet explorations with fabric, paint, color, words, nutrition, and body science are part of my spirit playground – not the magic I am here to share. My play is important because it brings joy and supports my personal magic. It will give me skills. It is inclined to give me tools, confidence, and a unique perspective.

And if I give it more room and significance rather than trying to shape it into the gift I am here to share, both my happiness and my purpose will be served.

And so my mantra for today: “Play… and let my spirit purpose unfold.”

Notes along the way… Jeanne

The Universe Loves Symbolism

Knowing the Universe loves symbolism, I started looking for just the right feeling, action, beauty… a meaningful way I could acknowledge arriving at the place I’ve been going toward for many, many spirit miles.

It is clear to me arriving does not mean a sudden, glorious transition where the struggles of the journey suddenly disappear and there is nothing more to do than live in the wonder of what has been, until now, my dream. What served me well along the way is inclined to stay at my side and shape my current choices. The feelings that pushed me along and pulled me forward are too familiar to ignore. The tools I used to forge my path are still in my hands.

Recognizing these allies must be honored and then released for me to fully experience the energy and dynamics of this new place in my life, I needed something to mark the transition and stake claim to this new time. That is when I remembered the carefully arranged, heart-felt array of collectibles my 12-year-old spirit friend arranged in his bedroom to empower his own transition. That is when I realized I already had what I needed in gifts I have been given from friends at Café Spirit.

This morning, I created a place on my desk to visually remind me I have arrived. As I cleared the back, right-hand corner, I spent time thanking my internal allies for their support as I released old responses and feelings. Then I gave myself over to connecting to this new moment in my life as I made a ‘reminding spot’. And I have promised my Self to sit with it each day until this delightful, new reality feels as much a part of my life as my soft, comfy, sweet slippers.

And so my mantra for today: “Dreams-come-true are empowered by honoring myself as a co-creator.”

Notes along the way… Jeanne

This Dream

I have known this moment before and witnessed it in others, but the feelings are still stark. I wonder that it isn’t all hot air balloons, slices of cold summer watermelon, and fluffy stuffed teddy bears. But it isn’t. At least this time, I recognize what is happening more easily and more quickly.

“Harrietta’s Happenstance” was once a seed of my possibilities. Then it was an adventure in writing with a heartfelt desire to one day see it published. Along the way, I turned to all the ingredients of manifesting for such a dream and two days ago, I was handed the first run copy. My manuscript was a book.

Friends and family gather round with enthusiasm and applause and I feel like a deer caught in the headlights of an on-coming car.

I have come to Café Spirit with a roar from my head yelling that it doesn’t make sense and find I can now hear my spirit whispering its understanding. It is telling me that this is so big, beautiful, and delightful that I can’t fit it into my usual pocket of happiness.

This dream that is ‘suddenly’ a reality after years of work and wanting has created a shift in my life. I am no longer walking the path I dared to step on when I began writing and imagining a book… the path that became so familiar over the years it turned into my routine and comfort. When my publisher handed me my book, I stepped onto a new path.

So yes! Here I am . Here I am. A wonderful dream has come true. And here I am… looking into days with a new landscape. My heart’s pounding, new challenges dare me to grow, and unknown possibilities are winking. This is the moment when I have arrived and am, once again, asked to keep moving forward.

And this is what I recognize with tea stains and musings; my new adventure will only be daunting if I think I have to figure it out or forget to lean into the power and wonder of my personal spirit.

And so my mantra today is: “Trust my journey.”

Notes along the way… Jeanne

Women in the Kitchen

I have so many soft, sweet, beautiful memories from my recent Gathering. They are photos in my heart and mind that come up on my rolodex of emotions and make me smile. One that comes to me like a warm hug is five women in a kitchen.

We didn’t always eat together. Who knew when appetite would make itself known? But we most often arrived at our hunger at about the same time and then, without a leader, we would descend on the kitchen where lots of potluck food waited on the crowded counters and in the refrigerator. It’s well known that it’s near impossible to cook while in a full-blown spirit adventure so pre-cooked ingredients and ready-to-go food came with us. Comfort food was the only guideline as each person brought what they would share.

I have always loved the chatter of this moment. It can bubble up, lean to the right, swerve toward the sink, and suddenly fill the space. Or go in a completely different direction. Light laughter can turn to giggles and, in an instant, silliness can become deep, snorting chuckles that stop a knife slicing the papaya. A personal truth might be ignited and the pasta salad is taken out of the refrigerator at the same time the conversation mesmerizes with its murmur of understanding.

Five women vocal and still listening, connected to spirit and in movement is as touching as watching a sunset embraced by a lover. I have, on occasion, stopped to be an honorable witness to this dazzling dance. Like water they flow around each other between stove, refrigerator, sink, table, and counter. Their hands are ballerinas, lightly cutting, stirring, pouring, gathering, dispersing, arranging, and organizing.

And every time, we find ourselves amazed as we sit down to eat because it happened in no time without a bit of effort. That’s how it goes in a PlaceOfNoTime where we gather to honor our spirits.

And so my mantra for today: “I consciously invite my spirit to be with me in everything I do.”

Notes along the way… Jeanne

    Changes With Power

    I am still very much in touch with a spirit adventure from our Gathering that I call Here-to-There. What I learned is changing how I go about facing the challenges in my journey to fulfill my dream. Maybe, even more, it is making those essential steps feel lively rather than daring. And that changes hoping and wishing to confidence.

    Once again, the five of us tapped into the information and feelings from the energy web I call the Universe as well as our individual inner wisdom and personal truth. For my adventure, I stood on the far side of the room while my four spirit sisters formed an open circle on the other side. They stood in the same silence of Triangling, clearing personal chatter to ‘be’ in the energy of my dream come true. Though they knew my intention, this kind of connection transcended thoughts  and took them to rich detail. The circle glowed.

    My mission was to let go of all thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions about getting from here to there. I allowed myself to fully feel the sensation I was having in that very moment about reaching my dream… and then express that in movement.

    I immediately knew I was going to move forward and then, much to my surprise, I began a tortuous trip across the room. I climbed over the couch, squeezed between the end table and chair, circled the table, squirmed under a chair, crawled across the rug, and inched forward on belly only to come up two feet short of reaching my dream. Tears in my eyes, I exclaimed, “I can’t get there.”

    One of those standing in the glorious circle radiating my possibilities responded, “Did you ask your spirit to come with you?”

    And there is was. In all the ways my spirit is part of my everyday world, when it came to this passionately desired destination, I felt utterly alone. This adventure in getting from here to there was reminding me all life journeys are made with the support of spirit and allies. I felt their presence, stood up, and stepped into the circle of my dreams.

    There is amazing power in physically experiencing what is known in my inner world. That afternoon, I saw how I had been viewing the path to my dream and then I got to see another way. Now I know I don’t have to be a warrior woman. The rest of this journey is going to be made on a tricycle of wide-eyed wonder.

    Notes along the way… Jeanne

    And so my mantra for today: “I feel my spirit, guides, and ancestors in every step I take toward my dream.”

    Women Empowered

    Insights came like snowflakes on Christmas Eve, full of promise in a time of wonder. Our personal truths piled one upon another as though following Jack’s beanstalk into the clouds where anything is possible. Our inner wisdom, often obscured in everyday routines, shined bright. Our yearly Gathering is a time for confirming the shape of energy.

    In this PlaceOfNoTime, we gladly get out of our heads and dive into the power that swirls within and without and is connected in every way. Here we remember our bodies, thoughts, and feelings are pure energy communicating with the web of energy that I call the Universe and knows everything that ever was, ever will be, and is at any moment. Connected to all people, ideas, feelings, potential, possibilities, events, and circumstance, this web becomes the focus as we seek clarity and understanding at the Gathering. It gives us a way to connect to our personal truth.

    In one adventure, we ‘triangle’ to see what is happening between three energy sources in our lives, whether our curiosity is turned toward the past, present, or future. And whether the three corners of our question is a person, thing, feeling, concept, issue, or action we are always stunned by the answers that ring so very true.

    In one Triangle, I positioned the manuscript I just finished, the ‘person who can get it published’ and ‘me’. This is done silently. Each person clears their thoughts and inner chatter and allows their complete connection to the web of energy and source of knowing. I intuitively choose a person for each part of my triangle and stand silently in front of them, holding their hands, fully, completely, richly feeling the part of the triangle they will be receiving. When I have placed all three elements, I sit down and watch.

    The three people then respond to the information they get from the Universe. Silently, they interact with the other or they don’t. They physical portray what is coming through. In this triangle, “me” felt very connected to my manuscript, but didn’t seek out “the person who can get it published” even though that person felt a strong desire to be with the manuscript. When the Triangle reached its natural conclusion and each person verbally shared their experience, I saw that I was the one stopping the flow of energy that would get my manuscript published. The manuscript and “person who can get it published” had an enthusiastic connection. My inclination to be shy about my work was going to stop my dream unless I made different choices. I was empowered.

    Over and over, the participants of the Gathering had incredible insights through the power of connecting to the wisdom of the web of energy around and within us. We left with tools to shape our future choices and many memories of our spirits dancing together in search of personal truth.

    Notes along the way… Jeanne

    Mind Body Spirit

    I’m back from my adventure of open heart-mind-body-spirit and, once again, I am amazed by the power of traveling with others to explore each person’s inner world. We all showed up willing, willing, absolutely willing to share. Our enthusiasm swirled and expanded.  Emotions flowed in the release of remembering, discovering, and honoring our personal truths. Inner wisdom, in every color, shape, and nuance was celebrated.

    I came away with many gifts, but the two that have stayed with me in full force and are now being expressed so easily as I slip gently back into my every day world are laughter and tears. Until this Gathering, I didn’t realize these two were such closely-connected energies. Side-by-side they are giving me a new view of my world.

    In the following days, when I asked for some totally obscure information and my health-care ally pulled it out because she happened to run across it that very morning and planned to discard it, we laughed in the pure joy of serendipity. And as I left that appointment where my intuition and choices were respected, tears hovered because I know she has faced her own challenges and fears to show up in the lives of others with her personal magic.

    My friend and I talked and laughed, sharing dinner on the way to the airport. I said goodbye with tears, well aware of the sweet moments we’ve shared and the beauty of friendship.

    At the Gathering, tears helped us release old pain. They acknowledged passionate desires. They celebrated strong feelings and connected us to significant moments. With stealth and purpose, tears showed us what we have held back in busy lives.

    Laughter erupted as we recognized our similarities. It was also there when we saw so clearly what had been eluding us in our efforts to grow our lives. Sustained, beautiful belly laughs filled the room and our hearts as we sat down to share dinner on the last evening and imagined trying to explain our adventure. How does one share such vibrant growth and self-realization?

    I didn’t know the answer to that until I sat down at Café Spirit. Now I know my laughter and tears will, quite naturally, share it all. In them, I tell the story of my experience at a Gathering where I went to the soft place inside and now dare to show up in my everyday world in full spirit.

    Notes along the way… Jeanne