Nurturing Energy

I am stunned by the loss I feel as I give up struggle. Who would have thought?

I have lived my days facing challenges, accepting the necessity of taking on more than felt comfortable, and pushing my Self through moments I simply didn’t know how to get out of… thinking I would reach a place and time when I could quit swimming upstream.

And because I asked so passionately, clearly, consistently for just such a thing, I have attracted opportunities to understand I will not ever struggle my way to a time of ease. Ease comes when I release the struggle.

It did not come easy, the release. Logic battled intuition. Old beliefs shouted as insights whispered. Fear and doubt pushed me around. But circumstances and conversations showed up urging me to see past what I’ve always assumed. And, in the end, I did release.

Today, I sit at Café Spirit with a soothing cup of tea because I am feeling a bit off kilter without my struggle. It means anything is possible. It means there is nothing between me and my dreams. It means I get to play.

It means laying my head back, putting my arms out to my side, looking up at the sun, and feeling the nurturing, sustaining energy all around. It means trusting the current to take me forward, knowing I am bringing to my days exactly  what I think about most often.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

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