Category Archives: Manifesting

Energy Tangles


Yesterday, I was reminded how I can take soaring, activating energy and start tangling it up in spite of my good intentions. It happened when I was manifesting.

Sitting across a hotel bed late into the night with my inspired, dynamic, and determined friend, we realized the next for my Energy Insights retreats was to take photos of the magic that happens when participants come together to share an adventure that takes each person to their own destination. Remembering past retreats, we knew the stunning, startling, focused, and sometimes just plain silly images that always come up. They would tell the story for those who might wonder about attending, but want to know more. And, in that moment, I knew the perfect people to invite to this event that would be a spirit retreat, but one that asked the participants to be photographed in their very private journey.

The energy soared around my endeavor. The first thing the following morning, I spoke to the woman who might host such an event and she not only had a clear calendar, she was enthusiastic for herself as well as generous in supporting me. I hung up the phone and a second call came in. It was a rare contact in our sweet relationship, but there she was, when the night before I had thought she would be one of the perfect participants.

And then the day proceeded and I started going to my head and heart. It was all good logic and full of caring, but the energy started getting entangled. It was heading for a block. I could feel it like a weight on my shoulders as the clarity began fading.

Lucky me to have my husband at hand. He felt the change, heard me starting to back peddle and consider detours. He urged me to go back to my intuition, to honor the insightful flow of energy that began with the birth of the idea. And the energy started soaring again.

A lesson learned.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

And so my mantra for today: Honor my energy flow when I’m manifesting.

Energy Insights

Oh my, I anticipated visiting Café Spirit after two weeks in a Place Of No Time where play was the guiding force. My spirit filled, I imagined quiet time would be the perfect completion to my summer vacation.

But in that way the Universe’s intelligence and forces are strengthened by any strong feelings of joy, the desire I sent out in April and through May has been fed by serendipity and circumstance and, instead of settling into a conversation about the empowering insights found in the ocean of energy around us, I am moving.

In the few short days since I said goodbye at the airport, I have been packing, taking care of loose ends, and cleaning. Tomorrow morning we leave at dawn to drive 2000 miles to our new home. And so I will have to postpone the adventure I’ve been anticipating at Café Spirit until the 20th of August.

And I leave with an itch. I’m thinking about the way we have grown up thinking will-power, logic, determination, perseverance, getting it right, doing more of what we know, and reacting to what we don’t want will take us into the future we want. I know all of these are sometimes useful tools, but my current adventure is showing me, once again, that my future is shaped by the wisdom found in quantum physics, beyond the obvious, in the soup of energy around me.

This is what I anticipate exploring when I come back to Café Spirit.

And so my mantra for today: When facing the uncertainty, I am empowered by remembering, remembering, remembering what I want.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

Manifesting Destinations

If I am ‘driving’ toward my desires, my thoughts are the different gears of the manual transmission in my dream mobile.

I know for sure my thoughts around my list-of-things-to-do is second gear. They keep me moving along though my sense of destination gets buried. It’s like stopping at every gas station, fast-food place, and gift shop along the way.

Distracting myself with rabid reading, indifferent television hours, sweeping what has already been sufficiently swept, and other time-eaters is surely the same as shifting into Park. Whatever my destination, these choices are not taking me forward even as they might serve for a time to soothe my soul.

Wanting is fourth gear. In knowing what I want, I keep my destination vibrating, inviting both circumstance and people to show up along the way and steer me in the best direction. But here is the challenge of knowing what I want. There is a distinct tendency to feel it must be grand enough to cover all things and into the future. It’s like trying to buy one pair of shoes for all occasions now and for everything arising in the next two years. Seeking to define what I want at such a grand scale is very much like shifting into neutral. I will idle indefinitely.

It’s what I want now and just around the corner that speeds my journey by giving me manageable choices. What do I want? The heat turned up. What do I want? To smile and laugh more often. What do I want? To share spirit time with others at CafeSpirit and as we gather in person. Each of these bring comfort and delight and that is, when it all comes together, the destination I am seeking.

And so my mantra for today: What do I want… right now?

Notes along the way… Jeanne

Manifesting Intentions

Manifested intentions are infinitely confusing because they look so different when they become my days. Past intentions are powerfully, amazingly, almost magically growing my spirit and showing me the way to fulfill my potential, but the landscape looks so different I have trouble finding my self on the map I initiated… over time… with layers of desires.

But when I refuse to drown in worry and swim on the surface of possibilities, I see sparkling evidence of being exactly where I am best served now… and in every moment of my life. Dog paddling in reflection, I can calmly, comfortably comprehend what I’ve brought to my life, what it is giving me, what I am learning, and how beautifully intentions are the flowers in the gardens of my life.

And so my mantra for today:  My tomorrows are being shaped by today’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

Yes to Potential

What you need to know is that I stand at the edge as scared and hesitant as you. Waves of doubt lap at my feet also.

Oh I don’t doubt anything is possible or that I have everything I need to reach my heart-pounding, passionate destination. Rather, I don’t know if I can stay on track. Like you, I take comfort in what I’ve always known; I’m inclined to give my time and attention to wonderful people and excellent events that lure me off the path I want to take.

There is a place I see where I want to live my days. It’s not geographic… unless you know the landscape of my spirit. I too stand at the edge in tears of frustration because it feels like I need only reach out or take a slight step to the left and I would be there. Yet here I stand.

On this morning, before the sun has a chance to replace the stars, I’m thinking balance is no longer an ally. I want to tip my days, my energy, my thoughts, efforts, and time toward me. I want to remember what I seek to know and express in my Self has value and will feed every aspect of my life. I ask this new day to give me the courage to say “no” to the distractions and “yes” to my potential.

And so my mantra for today: “Yes”

Notes along the way… Jeanne


As we find ourselves experiencing what we have been desiring and choosing, I think we empower and grow that experience by moving from ‘thinking’ and ‘wondering’ and ‘evaluating’ it to falling absolutely in love with it!

In this falling in love, we trust it is here to stay and give energy to having more of the same. In living it with joy, in assuming the change we manifested is now a very natural part of our flow and days, in being in the happiness of knowing we deserve… we are planting more seeds for more blossoms in our garden of delights.

And so my mantra for today: Love what I’ve created for myself and plant more seeds of joy.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

Manifesting Change

I have come to Café Spirit to laugh at myself because I can see quite clearly how I am finding reasonable reasons and excellent excuses to avoid the very thing I dearly want to do.

I am ready to get back to my manuscript after a time of busy transitions. I’m more than ready. I am craving the satisfaction of doing what fills my heart. I yearn to get back to the rhythm. The characters are getting impatient. All the pieces are in place… and I am still caught in the familiar patterns of my recent past. I feel as caught as a caged, pacing lioness looking for the way out.

And yet I have learned there are two things I can do to break through the bars of my resistance and escape into the joyous freedom of spending time growing my passion.

I can change the flow of my day, in any way possible…. get up earlier, leave the dishes, or avoid my email. Each ‘usual’ that I drop will open time and energy for acting on my desire.

I can also I ask myself to go to my writing chair with my computer and cup of tea… and sit there for one hour. Not asking for results, but encouraging the possibility of action works every time. Something always happens. What intrigues is sure to elicit a response.

One thing is very clear to me. I can’t spend this morning or today in the same way I have spent previous days… or I cam going to have the same result.

And so my mantra for today: Do something, anything, to feed my desire.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

Happiness and Choices

I often wish someone would hand me a map, something very clearly marked to show me the way to happiness. And yet, I have been given the very tool I need to get from here to there. It’s called delight.

Standing here at this corner of my life, knowing I want my future to bring me happiness, it seems very clear I will find that by following stepping stones of satisfaction. Each stone is a choice. Each step an opportunity. It’s now, today, in each moment that I shape the feeling of my future because out there is the result of each day, each choice getting there.

And sitting here at Café Spirit, with my Ginger Lemon tea, I know I am not befuddled by what brings me joy. That answer is easily found in what makes me smile, gives me energy, feels effortless and right. The challenge is in remembering I bring the best to each experience and relationship when I am true to myself.

When others know they can depend on me to give only what honors my truth, celebrates my spirit, and acknowledges my inner wisdom, we can begin walking on a path that encourages mutual exploration of those reliable, worthy allies. The foundation is laid to build present days and ever expanding futures that are about making our hearts sing.

And so my mantra for today: Choose what makes me smile.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

Manifesting Potential

Feelings are the thread of our manifesting potential. They transforms our desires into a tapestry of reality.

Putting my desire into a time frame, I take it out of the astounding way that dimension curls inside-out. I constrict the endless possibilities.

Holding a particular image close to my heart, I add layers of complexities to the outcome. I hold myself to what I already know, rather than trust an adventure in unknown territory.

Which isn’t to say time and images aren’t awesome tools. Connecting to the sensation of being fully in my desire in a particular moment can feed feelings making my desire a reality. Seeing a picture that fits my feelings can increase their intensity and empower manifestation. Any instant I can utterly, clearly, passionately, delightfully feel my self experiencing what I desire is magic.

But, if I let go of how my desire will look and connect to what I want to feel, I can be sure it will show up in my life and, most likely, sooner than later.

And so my mantra for today: I empower manifestation when I feel my desire with openness to the outcome.

Notes along the way… Jeanne

Dreams Launching

Science and ancient arts are confirming we live in a world much different than the one we learned about as children. This encouraging and empowering information is the stuff for launching dreams and shaping our lives. Amazing possibilities are open to us. In fact, we live in a soup of possibilities that become our reality through our feelings, beliefs, and thoughts.

What I think about most comes back to me. What I believe… happens. What I feel is reflected back. And here lays my power to create the life I want.

I get to choose beliefs that feed my dreams and shrug away those no longer serving me.

I get to consciously think more and more and more about the things that make me happy, knowing I am bringing more of them into my future.

I get to choose to be around people who celebrate what I am bringing to my life and let that energy expand into my dreams.

I get to imagine “strings of energy” dancing between me and my intention and physically turn to align myself with them.

I get to remember that the multitude of possibilities created by the energy in the universe becomes my reality by what I think about and believe is reasonable for me.

I get to choose how many times each day I take action and connect to the feeling of my intention… and this determines how quickly I arrive.

While old habits would have me drive from here to there by reacting to the conditions, people, and experiences in my every day world, I will find my way more easily, more surely, more quickly, and more beautifully by remembering, in any moment, I can become a conscious creator of my circumstance… in the present and into my future. It is as a personal journey of the best kind. It’s my map for having the life I want when everything seems to twist and turn until I forget my personal power.

Notes along the way… Jeanne